The aims of the GPPS PTA are to raise funds to be applied for the benefit of the children at the School, and to provide opportunities for parents, children and staff to meet in a social context.

All parents and staff are automatically members of the Parent Teacher Association. The committee is elected annually. The Headteacher is the President. The Committee organises a variety of events, often but not always, aimed at raising funds for the school. These have included the following:

  • An International Evening
  • The Christmas Bazaar
  • Quiz Nights
  • The Children’s Christmas Parties
  • Children’s Discos
  • The Summer Fair
  • May Ball
  • Popcorn and Cinema Evening

Each year group selects a parent to be a class representative. They liaise between the PTA and the rest of the parent body. Class representatives also attend termly “Parent Forum” meetings in order to share parent views of the school with the Headteacher.

The PTA committee are always keen to recruit new members; if you are interested in coming along to PTA meetings and helping, please do make yourself known to the Chair or Secretary by emailing